It’s not about our obligation to participate – it’s about our right to be heard. #Census2020- figures will inform decisions on the federal funding we receive to help our local economy build back up as we manage the impact of COVID-19. #WintheCensus, Nevada! Let’s get our fair share.
Las #Vegas and #ClarkCounty residents again being urged to take the #2020Census. It will help with the #COVID19 recovery. Full participation will ensure our area gets needed resources to face future crises.
Since the kickoff of the 2020 U.S. #Census on March 12, about 45.9 percent of households in Clark County have filled out their Census forms compared with 46.2 percent nationally, and 45.3 percent for the entire state of Nevada.
A link to the U.S. Census Bureau response map, which tracks participation rates by state in the U.S. Census is posted on the Southern Nevada Counts “Win the Census” campaign website at The Census form can be filled out online over the U.S. Census Bureau’s website at or by phone or mail.
Officials say in the 2010 Census, Nevada’s population was under counted. About 60 percent of households participated in the population count, which means the state could have received 40 percent more funding during that Census period had all households been counted.